Life's Algorithm I

3 months ago

How life works has been revealed to us in many ways: trauma and crisis, living in extremes (meditation, world travel, education of all kinds), energy transits, energy patterns, and more. We've been in a monotheistic paradigm for the past 2 thousand years or so where we experienced atrocities and awakenings at great levels in the name of this energy. We are in a new paradigm now that is information driven and it is phasing out the old. Coming in with this new energy are the competitors of the monotheistic era; for example astrology and numerology becoming pop culture suddenly. Coincidence? Though this is just fine, our natures are changing and humanity is diminishing; we are allowing our senses to be artificially satisfied to point where actual living is being shunned. Besides the detriments of this evolution, I want to prepare you and discuss the whole empowerment aspect of all of this. Just want to lay this all out in the name of empowerment.

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