What is Islamic Mortgage or Halal Mortgage? Meaning, Definition, and Example

1 month ago

An Islamic mortgage, also known as a halal mortgage, is a home financing solution that complies with Sharia law principles, avoiding interest (riba) and unethical investments.

For complete lecture on Islamic Mortgage , and for more lectures on Islamic Banking and Finance visit: https://aims.education/what-is-islamic-mortgage-or-halal-mortgage/

Unlike conventional mortgages, which charge interest, halal mortgages are structured around ethical contracts, such as murabaha or ijara, where the bank either purchases the property and sells it to the customer at a marked-up price or leases it to the customer with an option to buy. Halal mortgages ensure that the financial transactions align with Islamic values, promoting fairness and transparency,

while also meeting the needs of Muslims who wish to avoid interest-based loans.

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Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance
Certified Islamic Banker (CIB)
Certified Islamic Finance Expert (CIFE)
Master Diploma in Islamic Finance (MDIF)
MBA in Islamic Banking and Finance
PhD Islamic Finance

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