Pollster Who Had Kamala Winning Iowa Is Refuting Election Interference Claims

2 months ago

Posted • December 16, 2024: Remember J Ann Selzer? She’s the pollster who published that ridiculous presidential poll which had Kamala Harris winning Iowa by three points. Trump eventually won Iowa by double-digits. That poll gave ‘journalists’ and their fellow Democrats not only hope that Kamala could win, but the poll was used by the legacy media to push that fake narrative. Many are accusing her of election interference for sharing the poll. Now, she’s out trying to refute them. Pollster J Ann Selzer defends herself against accusations that she criminally manipulated her Iowa poll to benefit the Kamala Harris campaign:

J Ann Selzer: "In such a public poll: And the allegations I take very seriously, they're saying that this was election interference, which is a crime. So the the idea that I intentionally set up to deliver this response when I've never done that before, I've had plenty of opportunities to do it. It's not my ethic. But to suggest without a single shred of evidence that I was in cahoots with somebody, I was being paid by somebody. It's all just kind of it's hard to pay too much attention to it, except that they're accusing me of a crime." Sounds like someone got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Assuming no ill intent, many posters are wondering with the numbers so out of whack why she still decided to share the poll with the public.

There's no way she could have gotten it so wrong unless she was biased in her poll. A good statistician not only looks at their results, but checks to see if it makes sense. When no other poll has been near your results you should question them. She either did it on purpose or she's completely incompetent. Wouldn't it be easier to admit you did intentionally carry water for Harris than admitting that you suck so badly at your job that your results are off by many, many, many standard deviations from reality? She's either a manipulative liar lacking good moral judgment or hopelessly incompetent and should maybe seek a career in tending a garden. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Poll Position: Pollster Who Had Kamala Winning Iowa is Refuting Election Interference Claims

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