Drone Wars? Trump has been briefed multiple times on events that are coming.

30 days ago

Drone Wars? Trump has been briefed multiple times on events that are coming.
Get to Ninoscorner.tv to get the scoop folks. This is BIG

Alex Bruesewitz, one of President Trumps campaign advisors passed out while speaking at the New York Young Republican Club Gala this evening.
Possible seizure or stroke

Watch short clip here:


Alex Jones has interesting info. NorthCom can trigger national emergency powers and take over the government under certain conditions. One of those conditions is a UAP/UFO invasion. Do we really believe our government doesn't know what these drones are? But if they act like they don't know, they can seize power before Trump has a chance to take office in 37 days.

Sound plausible? As plausible as the many other theories out there about these drones? Thoughts?

Source: https://www.infowars.com/posts/the-uap-ufo-invasion-may-be-used-to-trigger-northcoms-continuity-of-government-national-emergency-powers-to-stop-trump

Alex Jones hat interessante Informationen. NorthCom kann unter bestimmten Bedingungen nationale Notstandsbefugnisse auslösen und die Regierung übernehmen. Eine dieser Bedingungen ist eine UAP/UFO-Invasion. Glauben wir wirklich, dass unsere Regierung nicht weiß, was diese Drohnen sind? Aber wenn sie so tun, als wüssten sie es nicht, können sie die Macht übernehmen, bevor Trump in 37 Tagen die Möglichkeit hat, sein Amt anzutreten.

Klingt das plausibel? So plausibel wie die vielen anderen Theorien über diese Drohnen? Was meinen Sie?

Quelle: https://www.infowars.com/posts/the-uap-ufo-invasion-may-be-used-to-trigger-northcoms-continuity-of-government-national-emergency-powers-to-stop-trump

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