WarRoom:Driven by Illusions of Wealth, the U.S. Repeatedly Bailed out the CCP

2 months ago

12/14/2024 Col. Grant Newsham, author of ‘When China Attacks: A Warning to America, points out on Bannon's War Room that the United States has maintained a corrupt and misguided relationship with the CCP from the start. Driven by illusions of wealth, the U.S. repeatedly bailed out the CCP, from helping it take control of China in the late 1940s, to supporting it after the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989, and continuing into the early 2000s, when the collusion between U.S. elites and the CCP became increasingly evident.
#USElites #BailOutCCP #Bannon #GrantNewsham #WarRoom
12/14/2024 《当中国发起攻势:对美国的警告》作者格兰特·纽瑟姆上校在班农《战斗室》指出,美国从一开始就与中国共产党保持着腐败且错误的关系。美国被财富的幻想驱使,多次救助中共,从帮助其在1940年代末控制中国,到1989年天安门事件后继续支持中共,直到2000年代初,美国精英与中共的勾结变得愈发明显。
#美国精英 #救助中共 #班农 #格兰特·纽瑟姆 #战斗室

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