Iranian Drone Ship Captured In Satellite Images Off The Iranian Gulf Coast

2 months ago

Posted • December 15, 2024: A newly minted and massive Iranian drone carrier was captured in new satellite images sailing in the Persian Gulf this week — the ship’s first reported sighting since leaving its home port for the first time in mid-November. The satellite images taken Thursday by commercial operator Maxar Technologies shows three Iranian drone ships in the waters off the country’s coast as theories have swirled in the US that Iran could be behind the mysterious drone sightings across the tri-state area, according to Business Insider. Iran’s new carrier — the Shahid Bagheri — is a converted shipping container that was outfitted to support drone operations and was last seen on Nov. 12, when it was captured by satellite imagery sitting in Bandar Abbas, the report said. (…)

• More at: New York Post - Iran’s new massive drone ship left home port last month – and went weeks without being spotted amid 'mothership' speculation
Business Insider: Satellite images show Iran's drone carriers are nowhere near the US as New Jersey faces a mystery drone problem

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