RTG-Radio/Tv 24-7-Music-Words of a king-News-We found 1 sin free to open the book !

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24-7 Bible-God willing !
Evidence is clear as day,God is real proven by historical archeological evidence,
So run with the truth it makes us all free of the sinful nature of man that sends us to the second death ,they convinced you can not happen-
Never underestimate the powers of praying..& reading the bible daily !
Take it to the supreme court , the bible the biggest conspiracy and its conspirators or any one saying the bible is true and hell is too ! Take it to the courts today put bibles back in school your cheating your children ! If not order up your millstone neck tie for Christmas ! For the Joke is on us all !
“For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.”

What ever bible version we are reading. (I say no one reads it )We have not changed the numbers-worse than 8 in ten million to me means our preachers or all of us are missing the point !

No new bible has been written with the new numbers .!
Bible does not say better than times of Noah but worse than !
8 OF TEN MILLION-on earth 8 souls saved!
Coming next is the brother who will not turn the other cheek...Coming with a sword ~ to cut out the liars the evil of this world it has started you can feel it !
✟-Good news for 2.5% or 8 in ten million
THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language -Simple way to give truth to people who never heard the word in a easy to understand story telling way of real history real life real death !
Read it or the odds are less than- 8 in ten million your saved-!
...Also, know that there are many people out there who are not aware of God’s word. and that’s why heaven is choosing you to lead the flock by preaching to them what they need to know about the kingdom of God. Therefore, accept this calling from the high realms.

Angel Number 877 Symbolism
The 877 symbolizes spiritual enlightenment. Heaven is empowering you to bring change to the world through the gospel. Likewise, helps people to understand their purpose in life. Connect by bearing the burdens of each other. Thus embrace humanity to all human races without discrimination.“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;”
Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.
Bible says-spiritually urges you to rid your mind of judgment.
Look for Angels via numbers like- #4950 biblical meaning warns you that judging others is not your role but that of the universe. There is a higher being with greater authority and power to judge.
Angel number Meaning of Number #7700 Symbolically

A humble spiritual heart is a servant of humanity. The task of preparing people for the epic journey to leave this earth falls on you. It may not be viable now, but gradual progress will be inevitable. As you slowly gain ground, they will start coming to you for your wisdom and teaching. So, continue serving humanity in the different capacities you can. Eventually, your reward will be more glorious.
RTG= Run To God tv/radio

Thank you God for showing me and all who see these videos ~ We have one Job share your truth ,thank You Jesus & all the Angels who gave me the love to carry on to re start my life and give it to God !

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