Help me get away from myself

2 months ago

Being Targeted is horrible, I’m being tortured but know one can hear it but me. It’s not just verbal harassment. Everyone thinks my mind is internally creating the voices. How will my psychiatrist be able to help me when it’s external and originating outside my skull thousands of miles away? Wirelessly like Dr Delgatos stimiceiver. It’s not just a voice either, emotions are being manipulated. Pain is being felt from the signals. All my different feelings are being recorded by fMRI/eeg data collection and then pushed back down to me to create any given state they want me to feel. Thank God they are only able to TRY and induce a given state of me emotionally. It hurts when that is done. Physically hurts to have my physiology manipulated but they don’t care. Human experimentation on unwilling participants is wrong and unacceptable. Follow the Nuremberg code. Hire Volunteers.

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