Hilarious Cat Jumps Into Laundry Basket

6 years ago

This video is totally hilarious! If you are a fan of cats, you’ll love it for sure. Cats are such funny little creatures. And the cute cat from this video is not an exception! You absolutely have to take a moment to check out her hilarious adventures! As the clip starts, you can see this cute cat as she sneaks in the bathroom. How funny is she as she walks slowly and looks behind her back. LOL! And what is this kitty’s secret mission, you may wonder? Well, you’re about to find out! As soon as she makes sure that nobody is watching, the kitty jumps as high as she can and lands in the laundry basket. LOL! And the funniest part of the video has to be when the basket lid closes over her head. LOL! I’m not sure whether the kitty’s mission has been accomplished successfully, but this feline is totally hilarious either way!

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