The Dirties

3 months ago

I grew up in a small Wisconsin town in the ‘90s. Sixth grade was one of the hardest years of my life—poverty, class struggles, bullying, and betrayal by the those I trusted most. But it was also the year I fought back, found redemption, and learned humbling lessons about my own cruelty. This is my story, a real memoir of friendship, struggle, class, and what it means to rise in triumph.

#bullying #90sNostalgia #ComingOfAge #RetroAesthetic #NES #MiddleSchool #ChildhoodTrauma #ClassStruggle #SmallTown #RealLife #snes #Friendship #Genesis #sega #GrowingUp90s #Poverty #SocialHierarchy #RuralAmerica #TrueStory #Memoir #Redemption #NinetiesAesthetic #PixelArtStory #MiddleSchoolMemories

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