JFK Assassination Overview Assassinating Understanding

2 months ago

A video I made outlying my thoughts.
I get informed by
Americas Untold Stories https://rumble.com/c/erichunley
Viva/Barnes https://rumble.com/user/vivafrei
Assassination of understanding
I’m very arrogant and felt I understood things without needing to recheck. Significant gate keepers led me to believe what I believed about the assassination of JFK. Listening to Groubert and Hunley of Unstructured, or America’s Untold Stories, I discovered I was very wrong.

Here is what I had thought.
Lee Oswald had shot at JFK, even hitting him. But, the kill shot was an accident when US Secret Service returned fire. A special rifle in the car following was used to return fire. Armed with special rounds that fragmented that only Secret Service possessed. In lifting the rifle, the barrel swung to be parallel with forward movement and the gun discharged. As Kennedy was directly in line of site, in front, it hit him. Kennedy’s brain went missing during surgery because the special round had to be kept from the public. Oswald was killed by Ruby because of tying up loose ends. There was a cover up.

This theory had appealed to me because it explained the complicity of senior figures and the national interest of covering up the mistake. Oswald was bad, a Soviet wannabe who hated America. Nobody was happy, but all understood the importance of secrecy.

It wasn’t my theory, but one I heard, and embellished. And it seemed more likely to me as facts leaked over time discrediting the established theories.

Then I heard Americas Untold Stories, and I had to re evaluate.

Oswald was a patriot who worked as a spy for America. His past was covered up and details inserted to suggest he was a Soviet plant. How did a school drop out learn Russian and get himself to Russia without help? I hadn’t gone into his background and family. But Groubert had. He even suggested who recruited him, from family.

But the clincher was the day of the assassination. Oswald was located in a movie theatre and arrested. He had had his wallet on him. The body of officer Tippet was found, and evidence incriminating Oswald was nearby. Oswald’s wallet.

Oswald was set up. Worse, he was set up in an organised way that predated the assassination. There are a lot of moving parts to that observation. So, why was Oswald targeted? Had Oswald been a participant, or mere patsy? How could Oswald be set up? Who would have to be involved?

We know, from what has already been released, that Oswald was innocent. What we don’t yet know is the detail of those who were complicit. For example, Oswald is placed in Mexico by intelligence. This advances a theory of Oswald working with Soviets, we know he didn’t. So, when we find out about the Mexico evidence, we will see how states liked Mexico, and the parts of that state, which were complicit in the JFK assassination and cover up.

Following on from the JFK assassination, we can now say that Sirhan Sirhan was set up for the RFK assassination. Direct evidence of the shots fired by Sirhan, show he did not fire the kill shot, which was likely fired at RFK from behind, suggesting his body guard.
And MLK? What happened between then and the political assassination of Nixon? Of the failed assassination of Reagan?

A common denominator in all these killings and cover ups is the FBI.

Mark Feldt, who confessed to being ‘Deep Throat’ and was backed by the Watergate Journalists, was not Deep Throat, but was the guy who shielded Weather Underground terrorists, as BLM and Antifa activists are shielded today.

The implication being the cabal that attacked President Trump and stole the 2020 election, are directly linked to the assassination of JFK.

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