20+ Bottlenose dolphins were driven to the Cove

1 month ago

Written by Megumi Matsuda:
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Sunny and wave height was 1.5 meters — it was a morning with bad weather conditions for the dolphins.
The formation was confirmed about an hour after hunters left the harbor. They had already set up nets in the back of the Cove. It was for sorting dolphins.
When Kunito found that, the pod was divided into two, but the other smaller one escaped early. (Strictly speaking, they may have been “let them escaped” though.)
However, estimated 20+ Bottlenose dolphins were driven to the Cove, and there were several dolphins marked with white paint. It is the mark of ineligibility for captivity. Not sure if they were already marked or were done today.
Then, 5 captives taken to the sea-pens in the Taiji harbor and all the rest have been released.
They will never see their families and friends again. If they leave the sea-pens alive, they will be forced to perform tricks in a small concrete pool until they die.
This is the truth behind aquariums and dolphin show facilities. The dolphins who perform in the shows have never been rescued, they have been kidnapped and separated from their families.
2024年12月12日(木) Green Cove 💚🐬💚
晴れていて、波の高さが1.5m ー イルカたちにとって気象条件の良くない朝でした。
フォーメーションが見つかった時、群れは2つに分断されていたのですが、小さい方のグループは早期に逃げました。(厳密には、“逃がされた” のかもしれませんが。)

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