All Things Spiritual-Revelation 5 Part 1

2 months ago

In Revelation 5, the author sees a scroll with seven seals and a powerful angel asking who is worthy to open it. The Lion from Judah, David's descendant, wins the battle and opens the scroll. A Lamb, with seven horns and eyes, comes to the throne and takes the scroll. The four living beings and 24 elders bowed down before the Lamb, singing a new song to him, claiming he is worthy to open the scroll. The angels, including the four living beings and the elders, praised the Lamb for his blood sacrifice and made them a kingdom and priests for God. The angels also declared that all power, wealth, wisdom, and strength belong to the Lamb. The four living beings and elders worshiped. The scroll holds Christ's identity, divine providence towards the church and the world, and is a transcript of scriptures necessary for prophecy. The book is written in Christ's eternal mind, making it essential to have the mind of Christ for knowledge in prophecy.

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