Polishing Oil Products Tanker Propeller Underwater

6 years ago

Diving is such an incredible activity. Getting to experience an environment that is completely different from your own, a place where you wouldn’t survive without the proper gear, it is a thrill unlike any other. Knowing that you rely solely on the oxygen tank and yours and the skill of those with you to survive, it really gets the blood pumping.

Some go diving in a group, others go by themselves. Armed with every possible safety precaution necessary, these brave folks delve into the deep parts of the seas, searching to see how the ocean’s residents live. Some are curious, others not so much. But out of all those that are curious to see what is this peculiar creature that is invading their space, some can make more damage with their interest than others.

When it comes down to extreme sports, diving can definitely be one of them. All sort of dangerous creatures live in the deep blue. We've always been taught to stay away from the depths of the ocean and remain as close to the shore as possible. However, there are some people who love going on adventures and searching for all kinds of animals that live underwater just to see them from up-close and feel the adrenaline rush!

Apart from entertainment, there is also industrial diving. It's not as fun and exciting as diving in the tropical seas for colorful fish and swimming among corals with cute tourists. The work of an industrial diver is associated with a number of difficulties, but it is paid well enough. It consists in raising the sunken ships, repairing underwater equipment, cleaning works on the bottom of water bodies and other nuances.

Check it out as this diver polishes a propeller underwater, with fixed blades with a total diameter of seven meters and five blades. The maximum working depth was 14.9 meters at the deepest-reaching blade. A propeller polishing can reduce the fuel consumption by several percents and is a good investment for the owner. Saving money, time and the environment. The extra "propeller" mounted on the boss weakens the hubs vortex and decreases fuel consumption with up to 5%, or an average of 2%. Paying itself off in one year!
It's not a secret for anyone that diving as a profession comes with a great risk to the diver’s safety. A huge number of divers around the world are daily injured due to decompression or the attack of dangerous marine predators. Less often, the cause of injury may be the failure of poor-quality equipment or the lack of professionalism of a diver. In any case, it is advisable to arrange insurance, especially since overseas insurance is a mandatory procedure for divers. The optimum insurance policy should provide a guarantee of providing a full range of services: availability of specialist doctors, contracts with hyperbaric centers, life insurance, possible disability and even damage and loss of equipment. Note that when an insured event occurs, the cost of the service justifies itself with a vengeance!

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