Kotaku Shills For Naughty Dog’s Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet!

2 months ago

The gaming community is outraged as Kotaku leaps to defend Naughty Dog’s latest game, Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet, unveiled at the Game Awards 2024. Gamers are calling out game journalists like Kotaku for being nothing more than paid mouthpieces for developers, ignoring genuine fan concerns.

Intergalactic is already under fire for its uninspired protagonist, with many criticizing the intentional move away from creating strong, appealing characters. Adding fuel to the fire, an actor from the game has demanded gamers accept her far-left political beliefs, leaving fans feeling more alienated than ever.

Naughty Dog, still facing backlash from killing Joel in The Last of Us 2, seems to be doubling down on politics over storytelling, driving fans further away. In this video, we’ll break down Kotaku’s defense, the criticism surrounding Intergalactic, and why gamers are fed up with the gaming media’s bias.

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