Dog Won’t Let Her Owner Play Video Games

6 years ago

Imagine that after a long day of work you sit back and decide to play your favorite video game to relax. Suddenly, your pet jumps on your lap and interrupts your plans. Does this situation sound familiar to you? The guy from this video surely can relate to his pet not allowing him to do what he wants! Every time he lifts up his video game controller hoping to start a session of Call of Duty, League of Legends, or perhaps Grand Theft Auto, his dog Scarlett protests. It’s absolutely hilarious how gracefully she puts her paw on the controller! Maybe Scarlett thinks that the game her owner wants to play is too violent. Or perhaps she is just jealous and wants her owner’s undivided attention. If you want to play, you should play with me! That’s completely legit if you ask us! Whatever the reason, you go, Scarlett, we’re on your side!

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