Labour Advisor’s ‘Racist Rant’ Must Be Heard To Be Believed!

2 months ago

Right, so a viral clip has been doing the rounds on social media of one of the nastiest diatribes of drivel you’ll have ever heard. Whilst there’s a lot of discussion right now in the news about how badly Labour under Keir Starmer are doing, his hanger’s on, not to mention the dreadful Liberal media especially opining that if we don’t get behind Starmer and support his chronically awful government it will usher in the likes of Nigel Farage’s Reform UK Ltd into power, they embarrass themselves, and take us for fools when to all intents and purposes Starmer’s Labour have been little different, migrant bashing, siding with the millionaires and billionaires against the people of this country, after all such corporate and establishment interests made sure Starmer got elected whilst offering nothing but lies about what he stood for after demonising the likes of Jeremy Corbyn, the guy who would have brough change, but change that benefitted us and not them. If you think Farage is different to that, ask yourself why he is always on the establishment friendly BBC Question Time, when the likes of Corbyn and his Independent Alliance and Green Party MPs hardly ever are, but this clip exposes the kind of people that are not elected, but who those who are elected choose to employ and when you then realise this guy works for David Lammy in the Foreign Office, the optics become as bad as they can possibly get.
Right, so that was a clip there of some truly vile opinions being extolled by a guy who now works for David Lammy in the UK Foreign Office, there plugging his book on a Dutch television program back in 2016, so this is an instance very much of a guy coming into the employ of the Labour government after he had written a book on how London is no longer a British city thanks to the levels of immigration that have happened there, which have been described as a ‘shocking racist rant’ by those who have watched it, because frankly if this is what passes for a good employee in the UK Foreign Office right now, we needn’t worry about Reform UK Ltd taking power at the next election ,because this kind of attitude is right up there with the BNP and if this is what passes for Labour discourse behind closed doors and especially at the Foreign Office, then the hard right are already in power. These are their prevailing views and attitudes, not those of the majority of this country, I absolutely refuse to believe most people think like this guy does, especially those living in London.
The guy in question here is called Ben Judah and he is a Special Advisor to David Lammy himself, a post he took up earlier this year, when Lammy was still Shadow Foreign Secretary but this video clip is from 2016 when he published his book This Is London and he’s clearly still very proud of it, since he mentions it on his LinkedIn profile, along with the fact he has that SPAD post working for David Lammy and you wonder whether his advice is responsible for so many of Lammy’s appalling gaffe’s since he became Foreign Secretary, saying Israel wasn’t committing genocide because not enough people had died in Gaza, claiming there are no journalists in Gaza, endangering the lives of the ones very much still there and claiming that the Assad regime had to brought down because terrorists from Al Qaeda and ISIS were gaining a foothold there, seemingly devoid of the knowledge it is those same groups under the name HTS who took Assad down.
In that clip he talked about a city where less than half the population were white British, a city of ‘basement mosques’ and ‘Nigerian churches in old bingo halls’, that London is not an English city anymore, that there is a ore than 70% chance your children or grandchildren will be mixed race as if that is a bad thing and I was reminded at this point that his boss Lammy is very much black himself of course, African kitchen boys waiting on the rich, 40% of London are immigrants and he was generous by saying that discounted all the illegals, of which he puts a minimum number of 600,000 on, he singled out African visitors as particular amongst overstayers, it was just vile, but much of the book itself is even worse and The Londoner picked up on this story about Judah in a piece they’ve published in the last couple of days, titled ‘A government advisor wrote a libel against London. Why did we believe it?’ and I think the short answer to that is that at that time, 2016, migrants were being demonised especially, this was not all that long after the era of Theresa May’s go home vans, this was very much the era of Brexit, the book came out just before the EU Referendum, of which migrants were an especially hot topic for the Faragists and this guy Judah tapped into that. Here’s an excerpt which absolutely damns his work:
‘Much of the book relies on Judah’s amazing ability to tell someone’s nationality without speaking to them — one that must come in handy when he accompanies the foreign secretary David Lammy to global summits. While many of us can only guess whether the man sitting opposite us on the Tube is Spanish, Italian or Portuguese, Judah’s mental computer unerringly spits out the answer, which gives him a distinct advantage as a chronicler of modern, diverse London.
On the first page, Judah watches as “Polish meatheads grip onto huge toolboxes as they make for the street”. This casual stereotyping around race or nationality quickly becomes a motif. Among the cast of Londoners we are introduced to are “clear-eyed Roma beggar girls” that were “moving furtively”, a “frumpy Colombian woman”, several “surly Afghans” and a group of “frazzled Jamaican bums”. In total, we counted over 100 places in the book where Judah assumes the race or nationality of someone after merely spotting them on the street or on public transport.
One of the most egregious examples of this is Judah’s stereotyping of the black people he spots cleaning bus stations or leaving police stations, who are frequently labelled as “African” when he has no way to determine their nationality. Of one “gang leader” he meets, Judah writes: “He is Caribbean but looks pure African, flabby more than muscled, with a fold of skin at the back of his melon head.” A week ago, we asked Judah how someone can look “pure African” or what he means by his reference to a “melon head”, but he hasn’t yet responded.’
There is a lot more in the article, please do look it up and read it and ask yourself how the hell Judah is in the position he’s in with views like this. This guy works with David Lammy, this guy has access to high level meetings, for example here he is pictured with Lammy meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and massive questions need asking about how a guy with beliefs like his, who is evidently still proud enough of his work, is in the position he is in at the Foreign Office, because this thinking is not British thinking, these are not what I would consider British values and for a guy who seems so obsessed with Britishness, it strikes me as just cover to excuse some serious character deficiencies and for all of those people defending the Starmer regime and warning against the rise of Reform UK Ltd, despite that very much being on Starmer & Co, here they are seemingly trying to out do them, rather than stand for something better. What’s the point of fearing the rise of the far right if they are already here? The onus should be backing parties and policies prepared to stand against that, rather than drag country ever further to the right.
Further to enabling the far right of course there is the ongoing support the Staremr regime is continuing to give to the Netanyahu regime and in another story the mainstream media didn’t bother to cover but really ought to have done, just 2 days after the ICC arrest warrants were issued against Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant, Starmer welcomed the head of the IDF to the UK under special immunity! Get all the details of that story in this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch, please do also hit like, share and subscribe and support the channel whilst you’re at it if so inclined, it is enormously appreciated and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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