Kitty Tries To Leave The Kitchen

6 years ago

Training a kitty is not an easy task. This kitty is doing well, so far. Her owner is training her not to leave the kitchen. You can see her wild spirit coming out, but still, she listens to her owner. Awww… Contrary to popular belief, cats are trainable. You can teach them useful behaviors as well as novelty tricks. You can even train them to compete in agility tournaments. There are some differences between the way cats and dogs are trained, of course. Dogs are born to serve the master, while cats love their independent and free spirit. This is why they’ll never perform complicated tasks like dogs. It’s not that they are not intelligent enough, on the contrary! Kitties are super smart, but they just won’t obey! LOL! I mean, just think about it. Cats rule the internet without any effort. I am sure they’ll be soon running the entire planet. LOL!

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