Kid Meets A Leaf Blower

6 years ago

Imagine this. A toddler accidentally switched the leaf blower on and placed his face right next to it! It’s like he entered a wind tunnel! LOL! You’ll crack up when you see his face! So hilarious and adorable at the same time! Children are such curious creatures. They explore, question, and wonder, and by doing so, learn. They love exploring the world around them and discovering new things. Toddlers use all their available senses to try to figure out their environment, just like this little boy! He just had to find out what this unusual machine is used for. I am not sure why, but toddlers ALWAYS choose house appliances to play with. They have a bunch of toys at their disposal, but it’s the stuff like leaf blowers, vacuum cleaners or refrigerator doors that fascinate the youngest ones. To be honest, if I have a leaf blower, I would have fun with it, too. How about you?

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