Don't Be Woke About the "Woke Right" - Part 1

3 months ago

This is an audio version of Part 1 of a multi-part series on James Lindsay and the “woke right” saga. The story is massive, because he, as well as his opponents, are crazily prolific. He has for example published over 272,000+ X posts (tweets).

This, Part I details the background of James Lindsay as well as arguments for what he is right about. Part II will focus on where he is wrong, or at least where he is much more paranoid than he should be, as well as how he is falling into the same sort of mimetic dialectical trap that he critiques. Part III will evaluate a realistic path forward for the political and religious right that avoids the mimetic traps leading to wokeness in all its forms while discussing how one should relate to the work of complex and controversial intellectuals like Lindsay. Part II will hopefully be out next weekend.

Read the written form of the article on the Grain of Wheat Substack here:

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