December 15, 2024, Matthew 3:16-17, "The Holy Spirit - A Dove From Heaven" (Live)

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[The Holy Spirit appears.]
Matthew 3:16-17, appearance of Holy Spirit described
Acts 2:1-8, Holy Spirit stepping forward on the day of Pentecost
Acts 2:8, those who heard the tongues understood them in their own language (as opposed to a multi-lingual person understanding another language by thinking in the other language). This phenomena (the heavenly language) created a familiarity amongst them (everyone understood the language in their own language) for the purpose of drawing lost people to God. This reveals that the Holy Spirit's transformation of people is natural rather than radical.

[The Holy Spirit points to God.]
John 15:26, John 16:14, the Holy Spirit's primary job is to point people to Christ

[The Holy Spirit convicts people of sin.]
John 16:8-11, the Holy Spirit tells the world of the need for a savior

[The Holy Spirit brings sinner to repentance.]
2 Timothy 2:25, the helper (Holy Spirit) from God helps people to repent from their sins

[The Holy Spirit regenerates the heart.]
Titus 3:4-7, the Holy Spirit regenerates and washes the heart, from sinfulness to justification

[The Holy Spirit baptizes the new convert into the body of Christ.]
1 Corinthians 12:13, the new believer is washed and placed into God's universal church/assembly, no matter what their biological background was (whether Jew or Gentile, that no longer matters)

[The Holy Spirit seals the convert's salvation.]
Ephesians 1:13-14, the Holy Spirit has put up believers as earnest against their account, and God cannot deny Himself (God cannot forfeit the Holy Spirit). Believers are God's purchased possession on layaway.

[The Holy Spirit dwells inside the believer.]
Romans 8:9, 1 Corinthians 6:19, the Holy Spirit enters into the believer and becomes their 3rd conscience.

[The Holy Spirit does the sanctifying work in the believer.
1 Thessalonians 5:23, 1 Peter 1:2, the Holy Spirit is the sanctification process throughout the lifecycle of the believer: they are sanctified and will be sanctified, to become more like Christ

[The Holy Spirit enables fellowship with God.]
John 17:3, 2 Corinthians 13:14, Philippians 2:1-2, only the Holy Spirit can make fellowshipping with God possible as well as with others in Christ

[The Holy Spirit gives assurance that a person is saved.]
Romans 8:16, He bears witness with a person's spirit, if they are saved- there is no contradiction. There are many tests of faith and God's spirit will consistently bear witness with a person's spirit throughout these trials, if they are saved.

[The Holy Spirit offers intercessory prayers for the believer
Romans 8:26, the Holy Spirit converts all languages of all prayers into the heavenly lingua franca (similar to the heavenly language Peter witnessed in Acts 2)

[The Holy Spirit reveals God's word to the believer.]
John 16:13, 1 Corinthians 2:10-13, the things of God can only be revealed by God, and since the Holy Spirit dwells in the believer, God can make them understand His word

Romans 8:11, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is the same Spirit that raises people up to Christ

[ songs]
Holy Spirit Rain Down, 2405227
How Great Is Our God, 4348399
I Exalt Thee, 17803
Jesus Paid It All, 22331

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