"Voice of gods" Weapon Being Used With Household Invasion

2 months ago

Lookoutfa Charlie is a guy under celdar surveillance by the secret service, like homeland-sick-urity or other agencies to provide Luciferians with legitimate paychecks from the government sources.
All secret societies work together as a brainchip-hivemind to bring-in their NWO-takeover and to genocide sheeple.

This guy has nowhere to turn for answers because the police are Freemasons and would just phoo phoo the privacy intrusion. Or worse they would trick him into visiting the local Medical Mafia at a hospital-death-zone where assassins hide and kill sheep.

His house-mate talking during sleep is just brainchip body remote-controlling. The NWO thUggery does this to TIs... I heard about this before when a gangstalker was hanging out with a TI... The A.i. is using the brainchipped gangstalker to mess with the brainchipped TI's head. The brainchipped sleep-talker is being heterodyned(see Dr. Robert Duncans "The Matrix Deciphered" https://stopthecrime.net/docs/thematrixdeciph.pdf but he hides the brainchip-hivemind as a judas goat leading followers away from the truth) Heterodyning is another word for brainchip remote-controlling, just like the rats: https://old.bitchute.com/video/RyhgSHaR8HML/
This guy is being played-with by somehow injecting into his recording equipment the digital-voices which converse with the brainchipped sleep-talking friend. Do drive him batty. It all about giving him useless data to waste his time upon trying to decipher bs audio messages which Masonic FBI and police would just phoo phoo because their cUlt hivemind tells them to... all for rising their phoenix from the ashes. Look how much time this guy wasted being sidetracked by laughing Luciferians.

Lookoutfa Charlie need to study my channel to find answers to his questions, but since he does not allow comments to this videos he will remain in the dark while he seeks his own answers: https://old.bitchute.com/video/2l1pgQx3JbwE/

Celdar goes hand in hand with covert brainchipped targeted individuals. The medical mafia(Masonic doctors and nurses) arrange the covert implanting of Manchurian candidates

source: https://odysee.com/@LookoutfaCharlie:b/weaponized-acoustic-surveillance-in-your:d

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