Chile NOW! 6.4 Magnitude Earthquake: Seismic Resilience in Action

2 months ago

A powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 struck Chile. The tremor occurred at 7:38 PM local time at a depth of 68 miles. According to the United States Geological Survey, the epicenter was located 26 miles from the city of Molina and 30 miles from Curicó, in central Chile.

The earthquake affected an area of almost 400 square miles, impacting the regions of Coquimbo, Araucanía, and Maule. Tremors were also felt in the capital, Santiago, located about two hours drive from the epicenter.

The earthquake caused damage in several shopping centers in Santiago. Glass from buildings fell despite their seismic resistance, and in some places, plaster was damaged. The metro system was temporarily shut down, and many traffic lights were broken. However, according to authorities, there were no casualties or injuries.

Chile is located in a seismically active zone, so earthquakes are not uncommon here. However, this tremor was especially strong. It lasted about 45 seconds, accompanied by loud noise, and felt like a powerful shift of the earth. Local residents noted that it was particularly prolonged and intense.

All the systems of our planet are currently undergoing massive changes, which are manifesting in the increase of climate-related disasters. Several years ago, a group of independent scientists in their climate report predicted such developments and identified their causes. To understand what lies ahead and how to protect yourself and your loved ones, watch the forum "Global Crisis. The Responsibility".

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