NT Framework 68 The Explanation of Pentecost

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SBC Family,

I have been grading papers and studying all week. You know, it's really obvious in the first two sentences of a paper whether the person actually studied the text or is just telling you what they think. Most of it has been royally disappointing, though there were a couple of good papers. I'm really proud of the those students who spent time researching the text. God's word is the text and it's the most important thing in the entire universe. All this other stuff is garbage.

Tomorrow we''ll look at the Acts 2 text and Peter's explanation of the sound of a mighty wind and the tongues that appeared as fire (signifying the Spirit's arrival and the impending judgment that came in AD70). This is an exciting development in the plan of God. Israel's rejection of their Messiah opened a door to the Gentiles along with Jews who form one body, the church, and when the fullness of the Gentiles has come in, then the rapture will happen and all Israel will be saved. This is our entire focus in life. What is God doing and how can we fit within His plan?

There is sooo much to come and sooo many blessings we have yet to even dream of.

Grace to you,



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