So here is the GoPro version 12/14/2024. Different for sure.

2 months ago

Those black dots. You can't judge the size by just looking. That moon is not big. The wild thing is no matter where you go (theoretically speaking) it is the same. I've taken videos from AZ to FL. So how is it local and the same 1000 miles away? This technology has always been. I think you know what I believe. We live in a mock up of the real world. The Prince of the Power of the Air(waves) wants to be someone he is not. And that has appeared in all things from the virtual sky to the cross. I have a video I haven't put out yet. Jesus Christ was not crucified on a cross. Yeah, mind blower. It was a stake and that is the original greek word. The T was added by you know who. It came from the fake god Tammuz who was symbolized bt a T. Of course all false gods are demonic. So those X's in the sky are the same as a cross in a church(which shouldn't be there anyway). Satan wants The Almighty Yahweh's worship. I'll put that vid out soon. Going to anger some folk I'm guessing.
Back to the video. The background. I've seen background after background look as though it was something more. And it is. Pretty wild but hard to tell or see. I've fooled around with it alot. Anyways, you'll just have to see it when I'm done with it. I'll be using this video.

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