End of a Chapter – Tarot Reading

2 months ago

End of a Chapter – Tarot Reading

5 of Swords – Defeat ♀ ♒

Defeat is only temporary and there are always lessons from it. Seek the instruction found in the pieces of your past form.

Keywords: destruction, lessons.

10 of Wands – Domination ♄ ♐

You could be carrying too much in order to reach this level of domination over the forces you face. This overexertion could be alright in short bursts, but it may lead to burn out.

Keywords: take control, overburden, exhaustion.

XXI Universe

You have returned to source consciousness. You are it and it is you. This is the end and the beginning. With this energy everything is possible. You are at the climax of experience. You will be able to start again with the experience of a whole life time.

Keywords: source consciousness, end, beginning, experience.
Saturn ♄ Temporal.
Earth ▼ Substance.
Tau (Cross) ת is the place where ascended entities go to become both the end and the beginning.

Destruction brings challenging lessons, offering the chance to take control and rebuild from within. Overburdening oneself with exhaustion clouds clarity, making it harder to embrace change. In moments of stillness, source consciousness reveals the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, with each experience fostering growth and understanding.

For 2024-12-15 | https://pathandtarot.com

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Music: “The Way” by Luigi Caprile for © PathandTarot

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