The Holy Spirit’s Gifts, The Knowing Gifts : Words of Knowledge and Wisdom, Discernment

1 month ago

These three gifts of the Holy Spirit may not be as “flashy” or stunning as the gift of languages, prophecy, healing, or miracles. But these three are heavy artillery! Why? The Lord often blows up log jams in personal ministry by gently revealing foundational issues that block recovery (Word of Knowledge). Sometimes He blasts through rocks that impede our personal growth or the directions He wants to take our congregations (Word of Wisdom). Our Good Shepherd often protects us from ravenous wolves by showing us exactly what they are through His targeting system (Discernment of Spirits). You will LOVE this episode, and it’s vitally important. Why? Because the hallmark of the End Times is deception and all three of these are crucial defenses against deception. Check it out! | Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista |

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