What is going on December 15th?

2 months ago

From Tribunals to Clones: The Veil Lifts

Stories have been trickling in, evoking both horror and fascination, claiming that several public figures have been replaced by stand-in clones or doubles. If reports are to be believed, these transformations aren’t just for showbiz gimmicks. Instead, they have darker undertones. ZetaTalk and numerous other sources have pointed at covert Military Tribunals running in the US since early 2019, authorized by President Trump’s Executive Order.

Under the guise of addressing issues like treason and crimes against humanity, these secret courts may have paved the way for the use of clones as placeholders for public figures who are indisposed due to trials or worse. https://amg-news.com/from-tribunals-to-clones-clones-doubles-actors-transvestites-hiding-in-plain-sight-holographic-or-cgi-the-illusions-are-so-real-now-they-have-become-normal/

👆 The Alarming Types of Clones: Illuminati’s Masterplay

1. Actual Clones: A process as fantastical as it sounds, actual clones are humans bred in controlled environments. Whether grown in test tubes known as “in vitro” or implanted in a womb, these beings bear an identical genetic composition to another individual.

2. Synthetic People: Astoundingly real to the naked eye, synthetic people aren’t born – they’re made. With tissues extracted from sources like cattle, these beings might as well be stepping out of a sci-fi novel.

3. Organic Robotoids: Moving beyond the realms of common cloning and synthetic beings, Organic Robotoids represent the pinnacle of human imitation. Leveraging technology, the powerful elite can now craft copies of influential people that mirror them to perfection.

4. Doubles (Look-alikes): Remember the age-old adage, ‘There are seven people in the world who look like you’? The elite have capitalized on this, either by finding or deliberately creating look-alikes for notable personalities.

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NEED TO KNOW 👉 Nikola Tesla and His Concepts Regarding the Ether
Nikola Tesla, the Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist, is often celebrated for his groundbreaking work in the development of alternating current (AC) electrical systems, wireless transmission of energy, and numerous other technological innovations. However, beyond his technical achievements, Tesla held deep and often unconventional beliefs about the nature of the universe, particularly concerning the ether—a hypothetical medium that, at the time, was believed to pervade all of space and serve as the medium for the propagation of electromagnetic waves.

Tesla’s ideas about the ether, while largely speculative, were integral to his worldview and informed many of his experiments and theories. This article explores Tesla’s views on the ether, his related quotes, and the impact of these ideas on his work and legacy. The Concept of Ether in Tesla’s Time
During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the ether was a widely accepted scientific concept. It was thought to be a subtle, invisible substance that filled all of space, providing a medium for the transmission of light, electricity, and other forces. The ether was seen as necessary because, at the time, waves (such as sound waves) were understood to require a medium through which to travel. Since light exhibited wave-like properties, it was assumed that there must be a medium—hence the ether.

However, by the early 20th century, the ether theory began to fall out of favor due to the rise of Einstein’s theory of special relativity and the results of the Michelson-Morley experiment, which failed to detect the ether. Despite these developments, Tesla continued to believe in the ether’s existence and incorporated it into his own theories.

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