Chloe Slater - Fig Tree (Music Video) [2024]

30 days ago


Follow Chloe Slater

Director: Ruby Harris
Produced by: CANADA
Label: AWAL Recordings
Management: Allie Davies
Commissioner: Michael Lewin

Extras: David

Head of Music Video / EP: Callum Harrison
Producer: Rihana Osman
Director's Assistant: Rahemur Rahman

Director of Photography: Warren Rodricks
Production Designer: Jade Rache
1st AD: Jodie Joy Williams
Photographer: Hayley Thompson
BTS: Nick Ball
Movement Director: Caterina Danizco
Costume Designer: Martí Salip
Makeup Artist: Nic Marilyn

Editor: Amanda Marie-Rose
Colour Grading: Vlad Barin
Colour Producer: Sarah Banks
Credits: Ruhul Amin

Production Coordinator: Matilda Silversved Miralles
Production assistant / Data Wrangler: Arnie Muthcumarasamy
Runner: Keterin Young
Runner: Tom Verbene

1st AC: Joel Spence
2nd AC: Bhavishay Kher
Gaffer: Sachin Parmar
Spark: Tomas Canelas

Wardrobe Assistant: Sara Bekaldi

Security: Yusuf Osman
Security: Arshia Sadr

Suppliers: FAVA, Reel Rentals

Special Thanks: Oitij-jo, Forno Bakery, Sony Music

i think i’ve got a tech neck
i think i'm dead inside
im gonna buy a new scarf
a skinny one with stripes
i’m gonna cover it up
is that a smile line?

i’m gonna buy a new cream
in 2025
how many days in between
before my dates expired
how much more do i get
before my looks get tired

of holding me up?
slave to the patriarch
brain like an
amusement park
i kinda feel
and spinning in the dark
is this who we are?

life’s not a fig tree
you’re not made of glass
better to have creases then to never have laughed
you’re not a sun that’s setting
you’re not a tight wound
highly strung
consumer of whatever they sell you to make you feel young
your life is more
than the obsession

guess i should cover my roots
can’t be a silver fox
how many buzz words can we
fit on a pink taxed box?
give me a reason to hate myself
and i’ll take the lot

i’m scared of needles and
i wish i could just get rid
of all the lines
that my smiling inner child hid
why does the world want a woman
to look like a kid?

you’re holding me back

slave to the patriarch
brain like an
amusement park
i kinda feel
and spinning in the dark
is this who we are?

life’s not a fig tree
you’re not made of glass
better to have creases then to never have laughed
you’re not a sun that’s setting
you’re not a tight wound
highly strung
consumer of whatever they sell you to make you feel young
your life is more
than the obsession

choose heavy hula hoops that swing around your stomach and leave marks
choose pilates, liposuction
don’t forget to wear a bra
choose youth
choose smooth
let lasers touch your bare skin
don’t drink
don’t blink
choose diet soda cause thin is in
choose chia seeds and doll girl knees
and supplements to straighten hair
choose running apps and post your maps
share location without care
choose to brag
become the centre of the problem that we swear
is just the system
i assist him
i know i’m not being fair
i wanna choose to riot
choose to love
choose to bathe under the sun
choose to hold my mother up
choose to age like fine wine
never try to freeze in time
choose a life
that is mine
i’ll choose a life that is mine

i’ll choose a life that is mine
i’ll choose a life that is mine
i’ll choose a life that is mine
choose a life that is mine

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