Biden Pardons Chinese Spies Convicted Of Stealing American Tech Secrets

2 months ago

Posted • December 15, 2024: President Biden pardoned two Chinese spies and the relative of a high-ranking member of the Chinese Communist Party who was caught with tens of thousands of images of child pornography on his computer last month in a prisoner swap between the two countries that was made public Thursday when the three received clemencies. NY Post writer Brian Faas shares this story. Yanjun Xu and Ji Chaoqun, who were both convicted of espionage, were granted clemency last month, along with Shanlin Jin, who was convicted of possession of more than 47,000 images of child pornography while a doctoral student at Southern Methodist University in Dallas in 2021. Their clemencies, signed by President Biden, are dated Nov. 22.

Maybe if Biden pardons enough Chinese nationals the drones will go away as fast as they arrived. Why on earth would Joe Biden commute/pardon a Chinese national in jail for possessing 47,000 child porn images? Oh, unless the Chinese Communist Party has a lot more info on the Biden crime family?!? There’s so much more to this that needs to come out. -- Unreal.

• More at: New York Post - Biden pardons Chinese spies convicted of stealing American tech secrets
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