NDAA Calls For A Draft & War With China

2 months ago

Josh Sigurdson reports on the latest National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) as it's set to be signed off on by the Pentagon. Previously, the NDAA has ensured warrantless arrests, spying and in 2024, a draft to force people to die in wars for the global government. The latest defense bill allocates money to the South China Seas as the US government prepares for war with China, allegedly by 2027 according to the military. This is a major piece of the puzzle that will bring World War 3 to fruition and it's all entirely scripted and by design to force humanity into a "Great Reset" and a power shift from the west to the east. This is the excuse they need to bring in technocracy. And with that said, the latest defense bill also allocates 33.3 billion (yes, you read that right) towards the Department of Energy as they prepare for climate related emergency orders as well as the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board. How convenient.

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