Article 5170 Video - Dear Nathan.... - Saturday, December 14, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5170 Video - Dear Nathan.... - Saturday, December 14, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

You are welcome to your opinions, Nathan, and I am welcome to both my opinions and the Public Law.

I have nothing against immigration nor against immigrants; in fact, I have enabled thousands of people who have lived in this country illegally for decades to come out of the closet and not only have the right to be here, but enjoy the full spectrum of rights and guarantees owed to every American. Anyone who can show that they have lived here for seven years or more without committing a felony or taking public assistance is allowed to stay and claim the full and unencumbered status of a State National like everyone else. Our State Assemblies have already welcomed many of these long term immigrants home to their earned naturalization status.

On the subject of rights and guarantees --- not every country in the world has a government founded on the principles of freedom and the contractual basis to support that. In most countries, a person is saddled with citizenship obligations and loss of autonomy and privacy and private property rights from birth. This difference is what makes the American Government so different and the reason that so many people want to live here, however, as my research has shown, most Americans and all immigrants have been denied their proper political status and have been unable to exercise their Constitutional Guarantees for decades.

We are only now digging out from under the criminal constructive fraud and unlawful conversion scheme that was foisted off on us by our erstwhile public employees.

Many of the immigrants who came here in the recent wave were enticed to come here --- literally paid to come here --- and came with the typical idea that America is a Land of Freedom, Milk, and Honey.

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