PLEASE SHARE! A Message from Tamborine Borrelli: Creator of CrossCheck USA

1 month ago

Please watch this video of Tamborine Borrelli, Creator of CrossCheck USA. A dear sister, WARRIOR who started eight lawsuits in eight different counties here in Washington State along with a WRIT OF MANDUMUS against Jay Inslee. She also created WEICU... acronym for "We See You" exposing the mountainous fraud being committed throughout Washington State.

I am a supporter and advocate of what CrossCheck USA could become for the people. Watch as Tamborine gives a heartfelt and authentic message of how she got started in her journey, her attacks from the deepstate, and how CrossCheck USA was thought and born! It is the clean glass against the DIRTY GLASS of the deep state fraudulent, corrupt and treasonous elections. A parallel polling system where candidates could register their campaigns, use CrossCheck USA on their marketing collateral and have their voter base sign up for a free account and cast their vote under penalty of perjury via affidavit. The candidate will have access to the portal as well. This would be considered STANDING IN COURT!!! What every election fraud case including Trumps has been missing. They always cry STANDING. We'll give them standing alright. It is CrossCheck USA.

If the occasion arises where there is fraud and the true results are being manipulated and treasonously reported incorrectly by the mainstream media and our defunct government, the candidate will be able to gather those affidavits as proof that the election was rigged WITH STANDING. That is important. At this tenure, we are not able to do a forensic audit using the FOIA process because of our outright criminal, no justice system . We should not just be expected to "trust" we should KNOW. Truth welcomes verification, and we see this as a forevermore answer to transparency in elections from this point forward. It's the only system out there that could offer proof in a proactive way. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. It's time to get ACTIVE! Refer your candidate as this could be the conversion of how things are done and morphed into the new Republic! The idea is APPLYING PRESSURE in every way possible. If you don't vote I hear you. This is a DEFUNCT Corporation. It's all a show I know. In the meantime we the people need to do our "part" and be proactive in shining a light on the darkness, using our voices, the pen and paper and ENERGY in bringing forth the new earth. This must happen for the Golden Age to emerge! That is with awareness and awakening within the collective consciousness. The matrix is crumbling and people are slowly but surely waking up. Corruption is all around us but we the people can change it all and be free from this illusion of freedom.

See the entire show on "Integrity in Action" at this link here:

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