It’s Time to Kick the Duopoly Up the Arse!

3 months ago

It’s Time to Kick the Duopoly Up the Arse: A Call to the Silent Majority

G’day Australians,

Let’s not beat around the bush anymore. It’s time we had a brutally honest chat, one that shakes us all awake. Because, fair dinkum, if we keep voting for the same two parties—Labor or the LNP—and expect anything to change, we’re more deluded than a charlatan at a Sunday market. The failed duopoly has had its time in the sun, and what do we have to show for it? Sky-high bills, unaffordable homes, and a country being sold off piece by bloody piece.

I’m asking you, my fellow Aussies, to stop swallowing the garbage they keep serving us. This idea that “our mob’s a little bit better than the other mob” is like picking between two slices of moldy cheese. One might smell a bit less, but both will make you sick. If you’ve been shaking your head at the news, feeling fed up with rising costs and wondering why nothing seems to improve no matter who’s in charge, I’m here to tell you: you’re not alone. And you’re not crazy. You’ve been played.

The Duopoly’s Con Job

For decades, Labor and the Liberals have mastered the art of convincing you to keep them in power by pretending they’re your only choice. They’ve pitted us against each other—left vs. right, city vs. bush, progressives vs. conservatives—while quietly selling off Australia’s resources and future to the highest bidder. One side claims they’re “for the worker” while selling out to globalist elites. The other tells you they’re “for small government” while bloating the system and taxing you into oblivion.

And here’s the kicker: between the two of them, they’ve already sold off 25% of our land to the communist party of China. Let that sink in. Our land. The land our grandparents toiled on, the land our diggers fought for. And they’ve flogged it off to an evil regime without so much as a second thought for you or me. Not one Aussie owns a broken down shack or tiny plot of land in China. Sounds fair… to traitors.

Meanwhile, your bills have gone through the roof. Energy prices? Stratospheric. Rates? Never gone down. Cost of living? A bloody joke. And yet, somehow, these clowns have convinced you that maybe next time they’ll do better. Mate, how much worse does it have to get before you say, “Enough’s enough!”

Stop Playing Their Game

Now, I can hear some of you saying, “But if we don’t vote for the LNP, we’ll give Labor a free hit!” I call bullshit. You’re stuck in the trap they’ve set for you. Both sides have been playing you for fools, pretending they’re mortal enemies when in reality, they’re two sides of the same coin.

Here’s the hard truth: if you want to force these bastards to listen to us, to give us policies that actually make life better, we need to show them we’re not afraid to vote them out. Yes, even the side you grudgingly support.

The only way to make the LNP wake up and start representing true conservative values again is to kick as many of them out of office. And I’m not saying hand Labor a blank cheque. Hell no! There are plenty of minor conservative parties that deserve your vote. Give them your preference.

By voting for minor parties—those that genuinely represent freedom, family, and common sense—we send a clear message: we’re done being your pawns. We’re done funding pie-in-the-sky projects, handouts to elites, and agendas driven by unelected international organizations like the UN and WEF. If the LNP wants our vote back, they’ll need to earn it with real, sensible policies—as well as pull out of the WEF.

A Nation Sold Out

The sad truth is, our nation is being sold out from under us. Our culture, our sovereignty, even our families are under attack. Have you noticed how hard it is to raise a family in this country? The cost of housing is through the roof. The cost of living? Forget it. And then you’ve got the loony left telling you that having kids is bad for the environment. Mate, they’re crazier than China’s one-child policy. They don’t want you to have one kid. They want you to have none! Even if you ignore their crazy climate doomsday messaging, they’re actually pricing you out of the opportunity to raise the next Aussie generation.

Instead, they’re importing replacements—people who are so grateful for the bare minimum that they’ll vote for these traitorous politicians without question. It’s a scam. And if you don’t think it’s happening, open your bloody eyes.

What Have We Got to Lose?

Now, some of you might be thinking, “This all sounds pretty drastic.” And to that, I say: drastic times call for drastic measures. If we keep doing what we’ve always done, we’ll lose everything. We’ll lose our country, our freedoms, and the future our kids deserve.

By voting for minor parties, we give ourselves a fighting chance. We remind the major parties that they work for us, not the other way around. If we stand together, like a well-pulled draught, we can send a message so loud they’ll hear it from Canberra to their cushy overseas retreats.

The Aussie Spirit Lives On

Australia is a country built on mateship, hard work, and a fair go for all. It’s time we brought those values back into politics. Enough with the empty promises and dodgy deals. We need leaders who are proud to stand up for this great country and the people who call it home.

So, what do you say, punters? Are you ready to shake things up? Are you ready to tell the duopoly to shove it? Because if we pull together, we can achieve something truly momentous.

This isn’t about left or right. It’s about us—the silent majority—finding our voice and taking our country back. Let’s give them the kick up the arse they so desperately need.

And if you’ve got a better idea, I’m all ears. But really, what have we got to lose? Our country, if we do nothing.

The time for change is now. Let’s bloody go.

Written, spoken and authorised by Christos Harisopoulos aka Senator Papahatziharalambrous. Want to stand with me, at the next election? Here’s what I am about. Together, we are the solution.

“Beneath the Southern Cross I stand.
One Heart, two hands, you understand.
Everything I say, and do – is
For Australia! Australia!”

— “For Australia Ode” by Christos Harisopoulos

For Australia Manifesto: Freedom, Democracy and Families – Senator Papahatziharalambrous: #DrainTheBillabong #TakeBackOurStates & #MakeAustraliaGrouseAgain!

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