We made an Iron Farm into a Mining Rig Machine in Minecraft Superflat

2 months ago

We need an iron farm in our Wild Imaginary West town that is slowly taking shape. We don't want any ordinary iron farm though, we need a cool way to hide it. So, we made a mining rig inspired by Boylei Hobby Time's Mining Rig scene he built. We have to tackle an Ancient City for supplies for it which is quite the experience! It's a fun filled episode :)

Boylei's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Boylei
Boylei's Mining Rig Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDbXsudFbaE&list=PLnnacC77w_zDzkogVYPHf_STVYe4q1qER&index=69&t=554s

If you'd like to build this Mech Camp, we have provided a free download of the Litematica schematic on our Patreon to all members (non-paid & paid): https://www.patreon.com/posts/117935641?pr=true

This is our THIRD episode of our series! Check out EP 1: https://youtu.be/c4_H_QJbtE8

All the music you hear is converted to be A=432hz, in other words, our hope is this let's play will be soothing, calm & relaxing. The perfect thing to have on while you study, sleep, game, clean the house, you name it. Good vibes!


Check out our friend's channels!

Bryson (Brother): https://www.youtube.com/@Sky_Bry/videos
G1Games: https://www.youtube.com/@UCYUkT0vwN9sFYwiPAPeUQwA
PeculiarPineTree: https://www.youtube.com/@PeculiarPineTreePlays

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