Life Beyond "The Joy of Satan" - Interview with Nathan Ciszek

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This Sunday, during the Full Moon in Gemini, Mario sits down with Nathan Ciszek for an unfiltered conversation about their shared history with the Joy of Satan Ministries and the broader implications of such experiences.

In the latest Unscripted Liberation Codes, we look into the dark underbelly of virtual honeypots, exploring how assets and MILABS (Military Abductees) are manipulated and guided into deceptive organizations.

Nathan and Mario share their stories, shedding light on the psychological, spiritual, and cosmic impacts of these entanglements.

Tune in for a live, eye-opening discussion that exposes the nefarious tactics behind these groups and offers insights on breaking free and reclaiming personal sovereignty.

#EscapingSatanism #JoyOfSatan #MILABS #SpiritualLiberation #UnscriptedLiberationCodes #VirtualHoneypots #FullMoonInGemini #AstrologyInsights #SpiritualAwakening #PersonalSovereignty #StarseedJourney #CosmicConsciousness #ShadowWork

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