How To Please God! Are You Even Trying To?

2 months ago

As small children we try so hard to please our parents. To earn Daddy’s approval and make him proud of us. Sadly, we tend to grow out of that by the time we are preteens, but somewhere deep inside of us there is always the desire to have Daddy say He is proud of us. Things are no different with our Heavenly Father. But, sadly too many of us have reached that bratty preteen stage. Is that you?

A VOICE CRYING IN THE DESERT Missions Outreach Ministry Presents:


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How To Please God! Are You Even Trying To?

Jesus was very clear in telling us that our most important desire once we join the Family of God is to please the Father. To live a life that God approves us. Because as Jesus tells us in Matthew 25, if we are not doing the things that please God, He is going to say He never knew us when we stand before the Father for Judgment, and we all will do so one day. Make no mistake about that.

I never had the opportunity for my Daddy to tell me he was proud of me or to please my Daddy. They stole him from me when I was five years old and my life with it. The closest I came was when Larry Taylor took me into his family. Jodi Schreiber Taylor, I was never able to make your Father proud of me, but I so badly want to. That is why I know how important it is to hear those words. And I long for the day when I can stand before my Heavenly Father and hear Him tell me well done. To know that I did the things we are told in the New Testament will make us Holy as God is Holy. The things that please Him.

Whether you had an earthly father in your life or not, I encourage you to live your life in a way that pleases the Heavenly Father. Love the unlovable, give of yourself to Him and to others, and most importantly be in a Relationship with God so His Righteousness can fill you.

Join Conversations With The Evangelist as we why it is important to please the Father and ways to do so. There is no secret as to what it will take to make the Father Proud. Read the words of Jesus, Paul, Hebrews, and John. It is laid out for you right there. So, come along as we see those things for ourselves and then go forth and do them so the Father will tell you that He is proud of you.

Contact James Carter for how to support our Outreach Missions Work.

You are invited to join our family on Christmas Eve to hear the True Christmas Story. “Unto You A Savior Is Born”. At 5:30 on Christmas Eve our family will continue a long-standing Tradition and this year we will share it with you Live. We will not be reading “The Night Before Christmas”. No, we will be reading to you of how God sent His Only Son to be born as a man in order to save you. That is how much He Loves you personally. So, join us to read Matthew, Luke, and John as they tell us the True Story of Christmas.

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Please share and invite others to come join the Conversation. Please pray about joining A Voice Crying In The Desert as we Walk Into The Unknown, set off on a Faith Journey not knowing how we can possibly succeed or where the final destination lies.

Please join us in praying for and support this Outreach as we enter the next phase of what God has called us to. Traveling as He leads to do in-person Outreach and share His Love with those who need it the most. To do this, we need regular support and for churches across the country to come alongside as missions partners.

Let’s be friends. Please subscribe and follow us across Social Media.

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A Voice Crying In The Desert is a Faith-based Missions Outreach Ministry that is not affiliated with any church or denomination, although we are willing to work with any church or denomination that will work with us. We are trusting God to provide for us financially and to send in workers. If you feel led by the Holy Spirit to help us fulfill our vision with a financial donation, you can send it to James Carter through VENMO: James-Carter-1054 or CashApp: $jjcarter7136. Or contact James Carter for information on how to mail a donation to us.

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