Talk Truth - Allan Hunsperger Testimonial

3 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: )

Allan Hunsperger: We haven't seen you in a long time, Dr Judy, and I've got some good news to tell you. You had told me about Cardio Miracle and Pro Lean Greens. You had mentioned how this is a health supplement that will build up my heart, etc., etc. I wanted to get off my prescription drugs, and anyway, I've gradually been off them now for up to three months, and I had a cardiologist do all the tests in my heart, and my heart is normal. I don't have to take any more prescription drugs, and I was told maybe come back and get tested in the next year or two. So thank you.
Judy Mikovits, PhD: You're welcome. And I mean, it's the confidence we have because the the Cardio Miracle, John Hewlett, as you know, that was a download straight from God in 2007, because there's no way you put those minerals according to the genetic code, the way that come from plants that are just literally, it's just healing all things COVID! And then the Nutritional Frontiers, Pro Lean Greens, for all that and oxygen robbing, parasites, 5g microwave ovens, everything in our environment that we really can't control.

Talk Truth 11.29.24 - Dr. Judy Mikovits:

Use Cardio Miracle and become an Ambassador:

Pro Lean Greens:

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