DIVOC (kabbalah-synogague of satan full movie)

3 months ago

if viewed though the kabbalistic jewish lens, with a new testament understanding, maybe understanding this film, helps to understand the jewish mind (woman who rides the beast and is partnered with the power of the world and satan) in seeing how near future events are going to play out.
a man who sells his body and soul to satan, a woman who forgets who she is and longs for the beyond. DIVOC, attachment of demons to human beings, AI assists in people latching onto the unknown, forsaking all else, even their own identity for something 'better(?)'. be prepared for the insane and crazy world that will be, and will be quote unquote, normal.
anonymous, nothing can stop what is coming, the best is yet to come, satan, jesus, tribulation, collective, apocalypse, revelation, end times, lucifer, demon, occult, christ, salvation, rapture, messiah, church, christianity, spiritual, new age, dmt, fallen angels, deception,

verichip, real ID, 666, illuminati, IBM, micro, Nazi, Hitler, bush, USA, Babylon, revelation, Jesus, holocaust, Satanism, hell, fire, church, sermon, speaker, worship, parents, warning, kids, witchcraft, Halloween, rebellion, cartoons, games, children, supervision, family, morals, Lord, Jesus, sin, war, destruction, world control, demons, fallen angels, earth, UFO, trance, hypnotism, hypnotic, pokemon, warlock, Harry potter, wizards, magic, portions, spells, how to, invoking, spirits, power, Manson, Beatles, Rolling stones, N-sync, AC-DC, the doors, Van, Halen, Kiss, revolution, culture, pop, Spears, spice girls, antichrist, conspiracy, matreya, demons, demonology, astrology, fortune telling, card reading, black magic, Satanism, witchcraft, Alex Jones, Marc Dice, WTC, 911, deception, lies, manipulation, David Ickle, Art Bell, UFO, Aliens, Skull & Bones, order of death, New world order, population control, twin towers, terrorism, 700 club, false teachers, false prophets, great delusion, false religions, Alister Crowley, Anthon Lavey, Church of Satan, Mystery, Mysteries, God, dagon, prophecy, prophet, End of days, Kingdom of God, Son of God, New age, bibles, counterfeit, psychic, Nostradamous, physiology, Garden of Eden, fall of man, Wicca, Witch board, Joel Osteen, Pat Robertson, Kenneth Copeland, TBN, bible prophecy, Haters of truth, Jesse duplantis, NKJV, NIV, Way international, New age bible versions, omissions, Television, battle of the mind, book of Enoch, book of revelation, flying saucers, new age movement, Evil, politics, game, sermon, church, murder, star, kids, war, Iraq, USA, UN, EU, illuminati, bush, Kerry, Clinton, bible, Jesus, deceit, documentary, school, homework, hypnotism, mind control, project ultra, UFO, outer space, aliens, Muslims, osama bin laden, weather manipulation, music, elvis, American idol, spurs, women, girls, deliverance, slave to sin, freedom, awake, sleeping,love, Hitler, heaven, hell,Jerry falwell, Halo 3 beta, Melinda Doolittle, Kim kardashian, Preakness, shrek the third, Taylor, swift, Phoenix suns, Yolanda king, Opie And Anthony, Hollywood, music industry

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