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Finally, the Solution We have all been Working For! (Make it go Viral)
What if you could build your own Nation?
Well, we have great news. We always had the Lawful Right To create a Nation. Let’s start here. We're going to look at some articles In the ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights)
So, this brings us all up to where we want to start talking about some ideas that we have been educating at Constitutional Conventions have been educating since 1980.
We like this one. Because itis a bit more specific. And so, if we look at what you got to understand about laws, we talked about jurisdiction.
And jurisdictions go down from international to local. And so international law is, as far as the matrix is concerned, international law is at the top of the heap.
There are things above that, no question. And I don't know what all of them are. This stuff can get esoteric.
And it can actually lead to really dark places and how it all links together, but I try to just come at all this stuff from a real layman's perspective.
This document, the ICCPR, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Has been signed on by every Western nation. That includes the United States, that's Canada, like every Western European country. Most of the major countries in the world.
Have signed on to this. Now, what that means is that is the highest law in the land because it's a treaty. So, you have treaties, then you have federal laws, state laws and so on and so forth.
Treaties are the most superior laws. So, if a country is in violation of a treaty.
That country can be held in an international court. Now, I'm not going to sit here and say the courts are this, that, and the other, and they're all great.
That's not the case at all.
My way in law has never been to just go and fight in court.
Judges are corrupt. They're mostly Freemasons. There are all kinds of stuff to it, but it's to just win in the paperwork and take it to them and call them on it.
I'm not going to get into too many specific, I don't want to get into any specific remedies.
In this discussion tonight. Remedy is so powerful that it doesn’t serve most people because most people won't benefit from it any ways.
But if we screw these things up, they can change it for us because they can change the laws.
So, I won't get into specific remedies, but I'm going to talk about things in abroad enough way that I think it'll be obvious.
Where things can go with this. But so, we look at article one in the nest there.
And again, this is of the ICCPR.(the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.)
This document is higher than any federal document in the United States or Canada.
Okay. And they both signed up for this.
So, Article 1 says. And article1 is article 1for one reason, because this says everything about the way things are in the matrix okay.
Legal language, words are very specific.
All people have the right of self-determination, period. That sentence alone is significantly powerful. By virtue of that right, they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. Period.
That article alone almost says everything you need to know about your remedy is that it's almost all right there.
Yes, it gets more specific, and we'll look at some other articles. But in this article alone, we have the right to self-determination. What do you think 1776was?By issuing the Declaration of Independence, adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, the 13 American colonies severed their political connections to Great Britain. The Declaration summarized the colonists' motivations for seeking independence.
That was exactly self-determination. Now, the ICCPR wasn't written then. The ICCPR came after the so-called revolution in the United States. But in 1776, what is essentially was happening was people In the United States of America, not the United States as the corporate fiction in Washington, D.C, but in the land of the many states of America.
They Said, we've had enough with these British Parasites controlling our lives, our resources. We want to start our own bank and print our own money.
Where we are going to go with a lot of this stuff, because we're going to look at somethings that our teams have compiled and written and I don't even spend that much time on the ICCPR, but we're going to look at things that we have written base on what's out there and newer things.
But the fact that we have the right to self-determination.
This is the Key that opens the door and slams the door on them!I
It Says everything you need to know. Okay, we could go down deeper on this and maybe we will in the conversation but that alone says that we have the right, and you'll notice this says all people have the right
All people are very specific. It's not all persons, all residents, all citizens. It's all people, meaning all the people in a geographical area.
You know, I'm very set up as far as, you know, the shit hitting the fan, if you will.
But my context becomes a little different out here because What I need out here is resources with people.
We're lacking that in a rural area, whereas in a metropolitan area, you have a lot of that, but it's also one of these double-edged swords where people and many people can be your greatest resource, or they can be your greatest liability.
You know, it won't be a shocker to say it, but if you're a white guy living in Atlanta, Georgia, you know, you're not as good off as crime being done to you ascertain other places in the world are maybe. Like in Alberta, for example, people can be your biggest asset, but they can also be your biggest liability.
So, one thing I think needs to happen with people just like what they did in 1776 or attempted to. We need to separate ourselves from the state through self-determination. Through people coming together. And basically, saying Instead of trying to change Let's say in imagining we're America trying to separate from the brits is… Is… instead of trying to win an election in their House of Commons. They just separated by a declaration of independence and saying, we're done.
Constitutional Conventions have been educating this for 30 plus years and now more are learningfrom their important Message.
Constitutional Conventions has drafted a declaration and has drafted a constitution – also has created drafts for interim administration and Natural Law grand jury of 12
We can essentially do the same thing. There's no reason why we People Cannot do exactly the same plan. People livein geographical regions.
So, a small group of men/women in an area have the lawful right to create whatever they want as the existing system is de-facto, fraud, and has NO Authority.
If you're in North America, we have a ton of space, despite the number of migrants being dumped into this landmass known as North America.
In both countries, Canada, and the US, we still have a ton of space. People can move. In Canada, United States, you still have the freedom to move around.
And I don't think you'll ever lose that freedom for a while, but they'll make it economically unsustainable in some ways. But people can move. So, with that, We think a big solution for people is to start getting to geographical regions and writing.
A declaration of Independence and a constitution draft with a Bill of Rights.
Which Constitutional Conventions have drafted for those to view.
And the reason we are not suggesting that we do this through elections is that I think you can all see and agree it has been no more than fraud from its inception.
The establishment has complete control!!! They have complete control of Trump and his administration. What's coming down through the rhetoric. Of Trump and RFK and Maha.
And then there's that latest image where they're all eating at McDonald's like, which to me looks like absolute blatant gaslighting.
This deception is in the bag for the establishment and they're just going to swing it back to the right. So, we came out of many years of woke liberal neoliberalism stuff.
Now we're just going to burn the woke stuff as an effigy and it won't make any difference. And then we're going to go to right wing (same in Canada with Daniel Smith or Pierre) neoconservatism with his just warmongering and everybody, and they're going to virtue signal about it the whole way because.
These people have control of everything. If you have to, you have to realize that you have to realize we are the ones that we've been waiting for, that we are the creations of the creator.
And we are the ones that create. And all this establishment is due to make a new world order
All they have done is get us to do it. That's how their scam works. They get us to do the work.
And we do the work through tacit agreement, which means We didn't reply to the letter that said, if you don't agree, if you don't reply within 21 days.
You're going to accept. Or you accepted it in some way or another we noticed.
In public notice, we never responded. We never cared. We basically got to the place where we are.
Because people stopped caring because the corporate establishment made the world so comfortable for us that we've traded all of our rights and responsibilities for privileges and benefits through conveniences.
And we're out of state now, and this is another reason why we know politics is hopeless and rhetorical. You might think that, you know, there's going to be No changes.
But then you go to Walmart. Okay. And you look at the people there.
And you go, what the hell. This is insane. And you could go to any Walmart anywhere and yeah, it's going to be a little different in rural Alberta than it is in, say, Atlanta, Georgia.
A lot different.
By and large, what you find is that the common man, the common individual i in our society is out of shape, unhealthy.
Can't even process thoughts and go along with everything the establishment wants them to do.
And you might be able to sway some of them here and there, but with great cost.
With great cost to your reputation, with great cost to your economic well-being like we saw during the COVID scam, sticking your neck out to wake up the masses isn't really that lucrative when you look at time for return. It's return on investment economically is very poor. And so,
What I say is… CRAP. You're not going to convince these people of anything. What you're better off doing is getting together with other like-minded people who are hardcore, who have the same values as you and are, willing to step forward
And form some kind of economic relationship with you. And I think This is where the rubber must meet the road if people have to start coming together
And that's a tough thing to do because people are like, well, how do I move and what do I do?And there's all kinds of logistics to consider with that.
If we don't and we get caught up in these liberal hellholes.
We will be burnt at the stake. Now, all you must do is look at history to see how that goes.
Is that in every… communist or authoritarian rise to power the people that fled the cities did better than the others. Now people say, oh, what about the kulak sand all that? Yeah, they did go around and collect farms and all that.
But those are even in the farming areas. I'm talking about people who need to move to rural areas, get out of all these types of areas.
Where there's large scale agriculture and such. But people that were outside of it fared better.
And yeah, if people don't start getting out of these areas and start Having economic relationships with individuals, they can't form an economy of any scale because if you live in an apartment.
And you don't have any reason to know your neighbors except for maybe the guy who lives across the hall from you because one time your blender broke and you needed to borrow his sugar or phone or what ever to make some gravy.
Or some thing, you know what I mean? You have no reason to know them. Whereas when you live in a rural area.
You will get to know the people who live closest to you very well. Because yo have a reason to. If you're in a cold climate, sometimes you're sharing the duties of managing the snow on the road below.
That's what it is up here.
You might trade vegetables or eggs with them. You might help a guy get his truck stuck out of the mud. There are hundreds of reasons why the rural areas are more productive!
That you'll get to know people who live around you in rural areas. And that's important.
Because if we don't have reasons to have economic relationships with one another. We can't really coexist. We're just going to be soloed out in these Twitter spaces.
And these spaces are good, right? Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying let's throw the baby out with the bathwater.
But you need to have reasons to get together with like-minded people.
And we must all start to educate about why moving to geographically places is the key.
Different takes on what that might look like, but we agree almost inevitably that there's going to be a break at some point, that people are going to move away, and as they do, they're going to need to figure out.
How they collectivize and normalize this new world outside of this big machine.
What might serve as a framework for what they more described, which was kind of the physical manifestation of what that division might look like.
Totally. But even in U.S. History we've seen balkanization, right? We've seen groups try to break away. It's happened many times. Even in Canada, there's history with that, with the Russian Dukeabors who were Russian dissidents who fled Soviet Russia and came to Canada and were granted quarter sections by the government.
And they became just these sorts(agrarians)relating to the ownership and use of land, especially farmland, or relating to the part of a society or economy that is concerned with agriculture.
Then eventually they didn't want the government o abuse them anymore. They did NOT want their kids to be forced into public schools because they were indoctrinating them with bullshit.
And they rounded these people up and put them in concentration camps. Not so much concentration, but they rounded up the kids and put them in residential schools and such.
But you don't hear about that because they were white.
And so, it doesn't suit the political narrative they are Pushing to suck in the Natives (all born here are Native to the Land)with the UNDRIP narrative.
But it was essentially the same thing where people were just staking a claim.
And if you look at some of their history, they have all these legal charters they wrote that say, we do not bow to tyrants and stuff. We have seen these many times.
And so, what we are going to propose here.
This has been done before. People do these things because everything gets to a breaking point Where you must do it, right? You have to um eventually say enough is enough because if we keep playing their game, it's over so
What I want to talk about now is three things that WE think are needed There's no reason any of us can't do this. All that is required is people coming together and promoting all the hard work Constitutional Conventions Teams have created.
The hard work has been completed now it’s time to make the information go viral.!
A. Writing a Constitution Draft to view.
B. Researching the Declaration, they have created to view.
C. Recruiting alternate media, live streamers to finally start sending the Solution rather than the regurgitated distraction.
D. If these so called truther groups or association will not educate their followers then we know what side they are on,
E. Be a clear message, they are part of the controlled opposition.
F. If groups push Citizens, indigenous, UNDRIP, Treaties, Charter, Bill of rights, Act, Statues, they are not educated and are doing grave harm.
Constitution of The Sovereigns'
We can do the same thing but set up this administration, so everyone is protected. And once it's agreed upon by a bunch of people and people in a geographical location, they now have created their own nation.
The benefits of this are as follows:
A. Land ownership
B. No Taxes extortion
C. No Income tax extortion
D. All the resources belong to the people in the newly formed Nation.
E. Property Protection
These above are just a few of the benefits and there are numerous more we may add later.
That's all the government is supposed to be.
What some people believe is or call government as created by a small group of people who got together Over the last hundreds, if not thousands of years and said, hey, guys, what to do to rule the world? Let's get together and make it happen! And that's all they've done.
So, there's no reason to even accept this fraud!
The rest of us can't do it. The problem is, the average Walmart shopper. That's the problem. And so that's why I say.
Some level of regional balkanization is the only way forward if you're going to say, let’s get a county such as Yellowhead County or if need be even go to a smaller geographical area such as Wildwood, Hansville or Peers.
You do not have to get the entire land mass of what we will call Alberta the entire state together on this, no way it's going to happen. If you say, let's get the entire state of Missouri together on this, no way it's going to happen. And rural is very different from urban, suburban, and peri-urban.
When you look at maps of how people are distributed in the world
You can correlate tyranny to how people are placed by understanding this concept.
The more concrete that you're surrounded by, the more tyranny you're surrounded by simply because the more concrete, the more roads, the more buildings, the more infrastructure, the more sewer services, utilities, and things like that that need to be brought in.
In volve money. And there is a saying that I have in law is that where the money flows, the policy goes. So, anybody who's lived in a big city to a small town can attest to this just by observation.
Think about the amount of bureaucracy in places like Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary city Compared to Peers, Niton Junction, Wildwood and numerous other locations that can move to create their own Nation.
Need to remove the indoctrination of Canada, Alberta, or municipality, and replace it with hard facts to proceed forward.
The smaller the town the better.
It's so obviously observable and so what that means is that if you can get away from the concrete, which is where all the people are, most people are, you can get away from a significant amount of problems because now you have the variable that's outside of your control, which is the socioeconomics of a place Social and economic factors include factors such as income, education, employment, community safety and social support. The choices that are available in a community are impacted by social and economic factors. Or the crime rates of a place or whatever, you can get away from them. So, a big-time problem is solved when you don't have to worry about your car getting broken in to every night or having something stolen off your property or having your kids bike stolen from your front yard.
It really changes the way you live.
But out here, I can do that. I don't have to lock my doors. I can live in a way that I wouldn't have to in the city. So that alone is important. And then when you start talking about law. There's a whole other level to it. So, what we need… is we have to look at three documents.
a. Declaration of Independence -
b. Constitution –
c. We can all write our laws.
But this is not complete. So, the caveat here is this is not complete.
We can all write our laws.
We don't have to ask permission. We can all start by doing this ourselves.
Canada The Illusion
Every Canadian Must See - Canada a Country Without a Constitution
Elliot McDavid talks FACTs - Canada is an Illusion - Videos are in Description
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