Have Courage and Confidence During the Chaos!

2 months ago

This week Shannon M. Gross continues with the Heart of the Matter series with Part 7, “The Humble Heart”, by sharing valuable insight from King David’s life along with an inspired word from the Holy Spirit that underscores what it means for God’s people today. She also discusses a curious dream where she encountered a desperate demon possessed man and how her reaction is a correlation of how the body of Christ has removed themselves from modeling king David’s character. Both revelations have the key to understanding how to align with God’s purposes and partner with Him to help usher in the good future He has planned.

In the story of King David, David didn’t know how long it would take from his anointment to his recognition as king. But through the entire process, he remained in the Lord’s presence—seeking God’s wisdom in whatever he did and wherever he went—to ensure it was part of God’s assignment for him. David’s humility before the Lord enabled God to work in and through him, perfectly accomplishing what was needed in every situation. It was God’s plan to have David in that time and moment of history to move forward with God’s ultimate plan to rescue His people.

The Holy Spirit provided a powerful prophetic parallel showing this same power and authority is available to His bride—the church—but few Christians are aware of this. If the body of Christ humbles themselves to allow God’s Holy Spirit to work in them and through them—to anoint them and provide understanding for their assignments today—He can work in us and through us to accomplish His plans and purposes! The Holy Spirit confirmed He positioned us to be in this place at this time to partner with Him to help usher in the changes He needs to continue with His rescue plan—bringing the saving grace of Christ to all of humanity.

Through sharing the dream where a demon-possessed man desired to be rescued, the Holy Spirit further underscored the necessity of God’s people to submit themselves to Him fully and completely in the same manner that David did, so He can work in us and through us to save the desperate and dying world around us. It is all about trusting the Lord and His plans to allow Him to bring us into the destiny He has for us and possess those promises with boldness.

While Shannon prayerfully considers the meaning of her dreams and uses biblical references to understand their interpretations, she also turns to the book, Understanding The Dreams You Dream, by Ira Milligan, for additional insight. If you’re interested in learning more about your dreams and their meaning, check the book out at this link: https://amzn.to/3RFa81T

This message intends to bring inspiration, encouragement, and motivation to help you live your best life as you live your faith! Join us every week to continue building your faith so you can Live Your Faith and live your BEST life! For more FREE powerful resources to help with your faith journey, please visit https://liveyourfaith.co/

Shannon is a student of Christ who has sat at the feet of Jesus ever since a health-scare shook her to her core. She reignited her faith and allowed the Holy Spirit to live and reign in her life which led to the creation of LiveYourFaith.co where she shares what she learns from the written word of the bible, revelation from the Holy Spirit, and lessons she learned during her personal journey to hear from God as she follows His will and ways. She hopes these messages inspire, encourage and motivate you to boldly live your faith so you can live your BEST life as you deepen your relationship with the Creator and fulfill the purpose and destiny He has for your life.

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