Wouxun KG-S88G PLUS GMRS Radio With BlueTooth Audio

1 month ago

Get yourself a NEW KG-S88G PLUS here: https://www.buytwowayradios.com/wouxun-kg-s88g-plus.html?cmid=amsreGRvTmttM0k9&afid=MTc0SmRGN2tRQW89&ats=Z0gycE55VVdiS009
Get the same sexy bluetooth headset I have, here: https://amzn.to/3ZOvTAM
You can watch my full review of the KG-S88G here:
In this video I compare the new Wouxun KG-S88G PLUS GMRS radio to the previous version of the KG-S88G radio, focusing only on the difference between the new PLUS model and the older KG-S88G, the key difference being that the new S88G+ GMRS is Bluetooth compatible - meaning that you can use this GMRS radio with any Bluetooth headset or Bluetooth earpiece and you can even use this GMRS radio with Apple Airpods and other Bluetooth compatible earbuds.
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