TDS Michael Luttig Emerges From Post-Election Hole to Mourn the Trumpocalypse

2 months ago

Nobody gives better Mourn than TDS J. Michael Luttig a former federal judge, the father of a crackpot theory that states could use the Fourteenth Amendment to keep the name of Donald Trump off their election ballots. That premise was so ABSURD that even liberals on the Supreme Court were unwilling to embarrass themselves by buying into that and voted it down UNANIMOUSLY along with the sane judges.

So what happened to Luttig in the wake of the election? Well, his grief over the results must have been so bad that he has been in hiding for over a month until a few days ago when he showed up on a PBS panel to discuss what will happen after Orange Man Bad takes office. The second of the three panelists was Heather Cox Richardson who stole her "history" shtick from Jon Meacham by using her history professor background to go full blowhard pontificator about the state of the nation which always ends up in support of the stale Democrat establishment. An example was that a year ago she was urging Democrats to NOT challenge Sleepy Joe Biden in the primaries. Ultimately she made such a fool of herself that she pretended that Biden did really good in his pathetic debate with Trump last June. The funny thing is that many liberals are looking up to this fraud for emotional support from a supposed history perspective. The third panelist was some columnist who I never heard of before who was only notable because his upbeat attitude seemed to hilariously contrast with the downbeat Luttig who remains in a state of total grief.

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