
3 months ago

Former U.S. Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, recently (12/11/24) posted a video on X that looks vaguely familiar to Beach Captain viewers. After further research, I found that he posted this same video on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok on 06/27/23.
Here's his video: • How the Super Rich Are Killing Social...

What do you think? They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

My video is from Tide Cove, Solana Beach, California. Recorded 05/06/23.
Here's my video: • #097 Tide Cove/Tide Beach, Solana Bea...

I'm claiming "Fair Use" of a still frame from his video.
By the way, I never use Chroma key.

Copyright 2024 J.R. Shelton

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