A Warning Against Fatal Mistakes of the Past

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After the end of World War II, humanity decided that the horrors of Nazism should never be repeated. In today's world, however, we are once again confronted with the hateful rhetoric of nearly a century ago.

Experts speak of two factors that are harbingers of impending genocide: hate language and incitement to violence and hatred toward certain groups.

In this episode, we discuss how such phenomena are taking root in society today. We will explore the mechanisms that fuel public hatred and thereby justify the repression of entire populations. We will look at historical examples such as the Holocaust, the genocides in Bosnia and Rwanda, and contemporary events. We will also talk about the rhetoric of hate and its impact on society, democracy and human rights.

Now more than ever it is important not to remain indifferent and to speak out against these manifestations because silence contributes to the spread of evil. As Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”

Share this video to prevent such scenarios from developing and protect yourself and your loved ones from their consequences.

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