Saturday Studies 2nd Corinthians 4 12-14-2024

1 month ago

2nd Corinthians chapter 4 talks about "all of us" being involved in ministry. Paul says that we receive the gospel message, this treasure, in earthen vessels (our physical mind and body), and our bodies having no eternal power or longevity, show that the real power comes from God, not us.
While we're in these earthen vessels we may have troubles and struggles, but we do not lose heart and are not defeated. He said the affliction that we experience now is basically nothing in comparison with the glory that God will reveal and share with us for all of eternity.
This chapter is a real encouragement to us and should serve as in exhortation to be involved in ministry. Not everyone is a preacher or Bible teacher, but everyone can have a ministry of prayer or providing for missionary endeavors, or serving the needs of others.
Having a prayer ministry is too greatly misunderstood or forgotten or taken for granted. Everyone of us can be involved in ministries all over the world by praying for them and interceding for them.

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