Venom: The Hunger

15 hours ago

"Venom: The Hunger" is a Marvel Comics series published in 1996. This series consists of four issues that depict the struggles of Eddie Brock, who is known as Venom, as he faces challenges arising from his symbiote, which is experiencing intense hunger.

In the story, the Venom symbiote bonded to Eddie begins to show signs of hunger that cannot be satisfied with ordinary food. He is forced to seek out more substantial sources of nourishment, even resorting to "consuming" parts of human bodies to meet its caloric needs. Eddie's journey in controlling the starving Venom is filled with action and conflict, involving other characters like Wolverine and Dr. Payne.

"Venom: The Hunger" is one of many Venom comic series published, presenting a darker and more mature storyline compared to some other Marvel comics

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