Crowds of Muslims Take Over Christmas Markets in Germany Shouting Allahu Snackbar

2 months ago

☪ Muslims march through Christmas markets of Stuttagrt and Essen screaming ‘There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet’

😕 Do They Know It's Christmas?

In Germany, Islamists go to Christmas markets and start reciting the SAME prayer that Mohammed's army recited when they invaded Mecca and drove out the pre-Islamic population.

💭 In 2015, Dr. Angela Merkel imported millions of Muslim Mops, Brooms & Brushes to purge Europe of Jews and Christians. It’s crystal clear, don’t you think?

👹 Angela Merkel's Muslim Broom Chases People in Germany With a Machete and Sets Houses on Fire

👹 የአንጌላ ሜርክል ሙስሊም መጥረጊያ በጀርመን የሚኖሩ ሰዎችን በሜንጫ በማሳደድ ቤቶችን አቃጠለ

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