Groomsmen Perform Surprise Wedding Dance For Newlyweds

6 years ago

A wedding is a momentous event in the life of two people who have decided to crown their love with an event for those nearest and dearest to them. In order to make the occasion unforgettable, the newlyweds and their parents spend a lot of money and time. Giving a dance as wedding gift, may not require investing a lot of money, but in order to make everything look spectacular, gift-worthy and make absolutely sure both the guests and the newlyweds like it and are entertained, we must admit that it sure can take quite a bit of free time for rehearsals and its staging.

Young couples who want to introduce something new and original to their own wedding instead of doing the traditional wedding waltz could prepare a spectacular performance - a surprise dance. The intrigue lies in the original presentation, it would seem, of the most ordinary, classical entertainment at a festive banquet. For example, the following scenario is possible: the newlyweds, coming out into the center of the hall, begin to dance gracefully to the melodious sounds of the wedding waltz. Suddenly, the waltz is replaced by an incendiary dance composition, and the newlyweds begin to dance rhythmically, performing various funny gestures, giving a light comedy to what is happening. The performance of the bride and groom can again finish with a slow dance. Or, use several different dance styles at once, following one another in rapid succession, almost without interruption. For each track released, for example, no more than 1.5-2 minutes of dancing is due, immediately followed by dancing to the music of a new song.

The wedding, as you know, is both a troublesome business and quite an exciting one for future spouses. It is necessary to think over not only all the details of the organization of the holiday, so as a result everything would go like clockwork, without any overlaps, but also make it bright, memorable, and different from many other similar events. A surprise wedding dance is a wonderful trend emerging lately to the delight, amazement, and food for gossip for the numerous guests of the celebration. It can be performed by the newlyweds and as a sparkling memorable gift by members or friends of their family. Dance ideas and scenarios get richer and more imaginative year by year.

This is exactly what the friends of the happy couple managed to pull out in the video on the top of the page. You won't believe the moves these guys pull off as they perform choreographed groomsmen dance for the bride and groom. Epic! We won't breathe a word of what happened there because it would spoil the surprise, we can just say that if you are scouting for ideas to copy and get inspired, good luck pulling something similar. These guys look like they are true pros! Watch!

What do you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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